Ways to Teach Yourself SEO

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It is often said that the best form of education is the one that is self-acquired. Therefore, nothing can be better than the lessons you get through self-taught education methods.

Although others can jump in and facilitate the learning process, they can’t help you progress toward mastering a skill. All sources of learning, whether learning resources or educators, can do is provide you with tools, knowledge, and inspiration. However, they won’t be able to impart understanding unless you are willing to teach yourself. 

And therefore, in this article, we will talk about – Ways to Teach Yourself SEO.

Suppose you want to be part of the search engine optimization (SEO) bandwagon. In that case, you need to realize the importance of putting in personal effort and making the most of self-learning sessions. 

It would help if you taught yourself rather than wait for some divine intervention to occur and miraculously give you the required information.

If you are eager to learn, plenty of online learning resources can teach you how to do SEO-related tasks. You won’t face any lack of relevant content regarding this topic.

Now that we have impressed you that online resources can help you learn emerging skills like SEO. We will discuss the different mechanisms involved in this process. You can go to and learn the art of SEO from specific resources. Remember that your will to learn matters more than the resource itself when it comes to making any lasting progress.

Online Magazines for SEO

Since SEO now has industry-wide recognition, numerous online publications cover the topic, its best practices, and the latest developments. 

Online magazines dedicated to SEO marketing cover extensive details regarding what measures can be taken for higher search result ranking and what a budding expert ought to do to remain on the SEO bandwagon. The thing about using online magazines as a resource is that you get to know about different SEO practices. Furthermore, since magazines get published periodically, they contain the most recent information to update you regarding the ever-developing field.

Some of the most reliable and popular industry publications that you can refer to include:

  1. Search Engine Land
  2. Marketing Land
  3. Search Engine Watch
  4. Search Engine Journal
  5. ClickZ

All of these magazines contain sufficient information pertaining to the latest practices in SEO that marketers across the globe are following. 

Novice SEO experts can go through these expert practices and implement them in their routines. You can fortify your knowledge base by incorporating the recently learned skills in your SEO practice.

Regularly reading any of the magazines mentioned above can help you in your quest to get a better grasp of SEO. In addition, these magazines have in-depth explanations and tutorials on how to start your SEO campaign and build on it later.


While magazines get updated regularly, they don’t have the reach that blogs can have. A resourceful blog on SEO can be beneficial for readers to enjoy and take inspiration. Regularly updated blogs give readers enough information to start their SEO campaign and keep them up-to-date with the most recent developments as they happen. 

Following an SEO blog will also help keep your interest in the field.

Numerous blogs can be helpful to SEO novices when it comes to learning about the latest in optimization of websites for search engines. These blogging companies include:

  • Hubspot
  • Moz
  • Brian Dean
  • Bruce Clay
  • SEMrush
  • Kissmetrics

These blogs can benefit anyone starting their journey in the SEO sphere. They have loads of information to give and can assist readers forward.

Besides these companies blogging through their platform, other individual bloggers write about what companies and individual online marketing practitioners can do SEO-wise to grow their businesses. These bloggers include:

Rand Fishkin

He is equally known on the Internet for sporting his distinct handlebar moustache and sharing his wisdom on all important SEO forums. Rand Fishkin is a definitive voice in the online marketing community. Besides being one of the most recognized faces in the world of SEO, he is also the CEO of Moz, providing information resources and conferences for digital marketing. 

Being a seasoned professional who has shaped the industry as much as he has followed it, Fishkin knows the ins and outs of the industry.

Go over his content to know more about Fishkin and his pioneering ideas on SEO.

Wil Reynolds

Reynolds is another well-known online influencer with a presence on YouTube. He is also the CEO of Seer Interactive and knows all there is to know about the SEO industry. You can follow him on his Twitter handle to learn more from his informative videos.


This platform or content source needs to match the power of videos when it comes to imparting knowledge. Informational videos on SEO are found all across YouTube and sites like NicoNico. You can look at them online and learn from the lessons taught.

However, there are times when you want to watch a video multiple times offline. A Nicovideo downloader would be ideal for this purpose. Save all informational videos for later viewing so that you don’t always have to rely on an Internet connection or a video streaming site whenever you need to review some concepts.

The resources above will aid you in your quest to become a self-learned SEO expert.

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