How to Rank Your E-commerce Product Pages When They Have Duplicate Content

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People generally stay clear of duplicate content because they are afraid that Google will penalize them or that the content will not rank as good as an original piece. First of all, search engines have changed along with our understanding of digital marketing. If your content is duplicated, Google will not directly penalize you, as long as your content is not somehow deceptive or bad-intended. When you want to rank your duplicate content, there is a fairly easy way to do so:

Create unique pages wherever possible

This might seem like the exact opposite of posting duplicate content but you have to create some truly unique pages. Why? Because if you simply copy every possible piece of content, Google will make the assumption that the entire page is a copy; in order to rank, you need to make sure your pages are not only stand-alone but also stand out. For example, if you are promoting the same product as a rival company, take the time to make the story about the product stand out to the search engines, do not just‘’copy-paste’’ the description. This way SEO value increases immenselybecause it is not just another piece from a boilerplate.Taking the time to bring something unique to your pages will pay off greatly, and after you do this, you can move on to the next step.

Straighten out your URLs

Cleaning up your content is may not be enough because search engines also look at URLs. Google has to know what is original and what is a duplicate, and since you can accomplish that by straightening out your URLs. The easiest way to guarantee a unique URL is with the help of Google Webmaster Tools. Here you can choose to display your URLs anyway you like; with or without the www. This will help to minimize your issues with duplicate content by prioritizing a specific URL. After doing this, maintain the same consistency with any internal links on your website. It may seem like a dreary task but it is what tells the search engine which page is unique.

Create your invaluable search terms

Boosting your SEO with optimizing duplicate content with high-quality keywords is the easy way to go; identify the terms you want to pursue, expand that list to a variety of potential searches and narrow it down to the terms most relevant to your products. There are different tools that can help with this step, providing keywords that will help you with creating unique alternatives of product pages, increasing your chances to rank higher.


It may seem like there is a lot of confusion around duplicate content but it is fairly easy to handle potential issues. To put it simply, you need to create unique alternatives to product pages; this has the highest chance of eliminating the confusion. And in case this is not possible, straightening up your URLs should do the trick.

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