Three Essentials for Starting A New Company

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When you are launching a new business, you will have a thousand different things on your plate. It is a whirlwind time where new issues will pop up out of nowhere and it seems like there is never enough time in the day. This is especially true right now.We have all been keeping one eye on the news to see how the latest Coronavirus developments might impact our businesses, and for anyone who has been waiting to launch their new company, it has been an absolutely nerve-wracking experience. However, there are some areas that you simply cannot afford to forget. Here are a few key areas, Essentials for Starting A New Company

The easiest way to set up a new company in Singapore

Don’t Neglect Your Website

One of the biggest shifts that has occurred during the pandemic has been the massive pivot to online that many businesses have been forced to make. The habits of consumers were drastically changed during the pandemic and while some may go back to normal, it seems fair to say that many will not. That means it is essential to work on your online presence before your business launches. Talk to a professional to work on your site design to avoid a boring templated design, and make sure that you have a clear SEO strategy. 

Don’t Forget About Your Packaging

We understand that if your business is going to be sending out a lot of orders, then your focus may have been on the packages themselves. However, once you get started and those orders start coming in and needing to go out, the question of packaging is going to become very urgent very quickly. First of all, we would urge you to consider using recyclable materials to minimize the impact that your business has on the environment. Then there’s the question of efficiency. Given how competitive the marketplace is, you don’t have time to waste dealing with a jammed case. Research automatic case erector machines to see how they could save your business time and resources. INSITE Packaging knows that you need a piece of machinery that is reliable, trustworthy and top of the line.


Don’t Neglect Your Customer Service

This ties in to both the above points, but it is worthy of having its own separate one. Customer service is absolutely paramount right now. Businesses are fighting tooth and nail to get ahead of each other having survived the last eighteen months and you simply cannot afford to lose customers because you have missed a message, or you have not provided them with a clear enough way to register a query.

Think about assigning the customer service responsibilities to a single team member or bringing on a dedicated representative. Check social media channels regularly for any messages and remember to be friendly and courteous. Make sure there are clear pointers towards your website’s contact page and consider installing an AI chatbot on your site’s landing page that will engage visitors as soon as they click through.

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