What is Skyscraper Content Strategy?

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The buzz about the technika mrakodrapov is increasing daily and it all started in 2015 when an ardent link builder recorded a groundbreaking backlink building success. The person is no other than Brian Dean, he used the skyscraper contents strategy to achieve a whopping 11% success rate and doubled his link building in just 14 days. Since his success, many content marketing has rushed in to adopt the same technique. The result has been a massive success for most adopters, while some adopters failed or literarily fell off the skyscraper. The difference in results shows that there is a need to have a proper understanding of the technique before implementation. In this article, you will learn what the skyscraper technique means, and how you can use it to improve your backlinks efforts.

Skyscraper Technique: what is it?

The technique is a backlink building technique that is adopted to increase the quality of existing and established content with the goal of imitating the backlinks.

If you’re interested in this strategy, you probably need info about how it works.

How the skyscraper technique works:

1. Look for good-quality content that is already performing well and having numerous backlinks.

2. When you locate such content, your job is to create something better than the original.

3. Look for the website owner’s links to the original piece and ask them to link to yours, which is more superior in quality. Because the content is better than the original, the possibility of getting a positive response is high as people love to associate with success.

Benefits of the skyscraper strategy:

* The strategy assists in building high-quality content for your readers.
* It improves your social shares
* It improves the total backlinks to your web pages
* It improves your website and blog comments
* It improves your total blog and website organická návštevnosť from search engines
* It boosts your authority
* It improves exposure

Implementing the skyscraper strategy:

First step:

As already mentioned, the first step in this strategy is to locate content that is already doing well in the search engine ranking, has any backlinks, but with rooms for improvement.

Using the website explorer tool, type a well-known website that is recognized for creating and publishing top-notch content in your niche. Next is to locate the report “best by links” which displays the records of site pages that contain the most backlinks influence, arrange the records by referring domains, put in 200 in the filter

Locate content explorer and enter a general topic that is connected to your industry. The contents explorer has a database of over 1 billion websites and it can be used to locate any contents. Since your goal is to find pages that have many backlinks, just fix the referring domain to at least 50 filters. Additionally, if you need the result in a particular language, you can easily set the filter to your preferred language.

Keywords explorer:

Using the keyword explorer, input a broad keyword of your preferred niche, select a report and fix the keyword density to at least 40, find a relevant key phrase, and select the SERP dropdown, this will show the high-ranking web pages. Your goal is to locate pages with the perfect blend of backlinks and the best potential of creating a skyscraper technique.

Second step:

The next step is to create something better than the original content. According to the skyscraper inventor, Brian, he advised that you use these four tips, and they are:

* Freshness: Find out to see if the contents if up to date, if t’s not, add newer screenshots, images, tips, and so on.
* Length: If the post was about 15 tips, take it higher to 5o or even 100 tips.
* Design: If the original content lacks visuals or images, include them in yours and make it stand out.
* Depth: Add meaning to your content by providing a more meaningful and actionable comprehensive explanation to your listings.

Third step:

Connect to the right people:

A vital key to the implementation of this strategy is sending out emails. Avoid sending unsolicited emails to all bloggers, rather, send backlinks request to bloggers who are currently linked to the original contents you upgraded. To execute this third step, you will need to locate the links in the contents you are improving on, how do you this?

Paste the website link of the original content on “site explorer,” next, locate backlink report; it will display the entire backlinks on the page. Take note that some of the backlinks might not be connected to a website but a forum, so you might have to use the Site explorer filter feature to separate wanted links from unwanted ones.

This is basically how you can create a skyscraper strategy. If you follow the procedure laid out in this article, you will do just fine.


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