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7 things about SEO to learn in 2023

In the technology-driven internet-focused world we live in, every website aims at ranking high on search engines organically. There is a strong and pertinent need for learning SEO trends to rank higher when the search engines keep improving their spiders in order to weed out over-used keywords and better improve the searcher’s user experience. I’ve put together 7 things about SEO websites would find valuable in 2019.

1. Strategic and calculating keywords

By now, almost everyone with a website sees the value in using keywords to generate more traffic by ranking higher on search engines.  With the advancement of search engine spiders, tools can be utilized to assist websites to use the kind of words which bring feet so to speak to the site. One such tool is Ubersuggest is a tool to use which helps with making suggestions for related keywords. Google Analytics helps you to identify what keywords internet users are searching for to get to your site and Google AdWord Keyword planner assists with determining how competitive your site is while also offering keyword alternatives.

2. Content, content, content!

Another no brainer is that “Content is King.” It is on the lips of every digital marketer because well, content can make or break the online presence you’re trying to build. Your aim should be to create content that is free of plagiarism, fresh and relevant to the target audience you want to reach and consistent. Much is to be desired from a website which either only makes entries once a month on their blog or posts content irrelevant to their target audience. There is a need for the brand and the brand’s message to be cohesive.

 3.  Choosing an easy-to-remember URL

When choosing a URL it’s beneficial to opt for one which improves the overall user experience.  One with too many things to keep in mind when typing it out is too much work for this generation who are creatures of convenience.

4.  Optimizing the time taken to load a page

When people want what they do now, it’s difficult to keep abreast if you can’t provide what they need in the time they need it.  Slow pages give way to bigger changes of having higher bounce rates which are when a person looks at a single page on the website without looking through anything else.  Lagging pages is a sure-fire way to get someone searching again for a faster page.  One of the best ways to ensure the loading speed of a page meets the required speed of the reader is to choose the right hosting from the get goes.

5.  Creating a sitemap for your website

A sitemap should do exactly what its name suggests which is create a site map for the pages and categories you may have on the site.  This will allow for easy navigation the same way a GPS would offer turn by turn navigation when traveling by car.  This would give the reader the convenience of finding their place if they would have lost it previously.

6.  Localizing your SEO

What this means is that you add your location, address, city/town to tags, headings or content in order to market your website locally.  This is effective in that it draws people to your website who would search for keywords in their area, looking for a local business who offers the goods or services they are interested in.

7.  Analyze the competition and work at beating them

When searching for your niche take note of the top ten and try to identify what makes them better.  What processes have they put into place that you have failed to do?  Which area of the market are they reaching that you cannot?  Once you have pinpointed your shortcomings against their strengths, aim to beat them to the top.

From as far back as the very first website in 1991, SEO has become a necessary component to website ranking.  To be at and stay a cut above the rest, you have to commit to constantly learning and growing. I hope that though not many, these 7 points, point you in the right direction.


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