The Complete Process of App Store Optimization

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Whether you are new to App Store Optimization (ASO) or you just want to perfect your approach, you need a strategy that will help you to stand out from thousands of competitors.

ASO is basically App Store SEO, and like with SEO, the algorithms here are also virtually unknown and can change rather quickly. But we are familiar with certain things which can help your app to be seen by more people.

Let’s have a look at a few tips that can help you through the process of ASO, get your app to rank higher, and receive more downloads.

Descriptive Title

A strong name does more than just identifies what yourapp does to potential users, it can also boost your ranking. The title should be relevant, memorable, and if you include keywords, the ranking can improve to some degree. Be careful though; Google Play and Apple iOS App Store handle these things differently, therefore your approach should depend on who you are marketing to, Android or Apple users.


Keywords are an important element in ASO, just like in SEO. Make sure you use them wisely and do not overdo it, include them naturally. Like with the title, you have to know whether you are approaching Android or Apple users because they approach this part differently.

App Description

In order to get the potential users to download your app, you need to provide them with a satisfactory description. Ask yourself questions like: What does the app do? How does it help the user? Why is it worth the money? Brainstorm on questions like these, and create a compelling, persuasive description but be careful to not come across as pushy, and ‘’salesy’’. And of course, do not forget about the subtle inclusion of keywords.


It is redundant to point out that people respond well to images.The look of your app store page a crucial factor in the users’ decision-making process. Use a few high-quality screenshots that capture the most interesting parts of your app.

App preview video

A video provides potential users a better insight into your app, you can simply show recordings of the in-app experience so they can see how the app actually works.

Place app in the proper category

Picking the right category (on Google Play or Apple App Store) for your app does not only help potential users to find it faster, but it also helps with the ranking. First, pick a category that describes your app best, then choose the least competitive one to get a better chance of ranking higher.

Icon design

The icon you design for your app is the first thing people see when scrolling through app store pages. You want your icon to be eye-catching, and different from other apps.

Encourage positive reviews

It is no secret that people trust the ratings and reviews of other users, and you want as much positive feedback on your app as you can possibly get. You can do that bysending a push notification, an in-app pop-up notification asking the user to leave a good review if they like it, or simply ask the users you know to leave a few positive words.

Keep track and re-evaluate regularly

If you are not satisfied with the results after a few weeks, go back and re-evaluate your approach; check the keywords, change the icon, re-shape the description, etc. When you decide which changes you want to make, make them one at the time and wait to see if anything changes. If you just go ahead and change everything, you will never know what the initial problem was.


Paying close attention to the ASO strategy is what will help you with improving the visibility, and downloads of your app. Following these tips can get you to step up your game and stand out from the crowd.

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