Rich snippets are the little pieces of code that make it simple for search engines to organize the information; they add a little more to the experience of product search. Let’s have a look at five types of snippets you can use to rank higher, sell more products, and gain more customers in the process.

1. Product schema

You need to ensure that the search engine understands what they are looking for; a product page or a blog post. The additional information has to clearly display that the search result portrays a product for sale. You should include a few details, like pricing, and discount information, and links to related items that the right searcher might be intrigued by.

2. Rating and reviews schema

Nothing sells a product like ratings and reviews from actual clients. People will rather click on a product where the rating is visible right away, especially when the ratings are good. Featuring a star rating, and maybe even the number of reviews, in your product listing will show potential customers that your products are indeed good and that you are a trust-worthy business; this is a good way to build trust and establish credibility.

3. Pricing schema

It is no secret, that the first thing a person wants to know when searching for a product, is the price. Displaying the price of a product right next to the rating can be very effective; when a product has a lot of reviews, and a high rating, people are willing to spend a little extra money, because they trust other customers’ reviews. It is also recommended to add tags like Discount or Sale for shoppers to find your products faster.

4. Availability schema

It can be extremely frustrating for people to find the perfect product, go to the check-out page, and only then find out the product is out of stock. It is even worse if they have to come back to check if it is available again. This is a great way to lose potential clients. Making information about the availability of products visible right from the search result page so that shoppers can make better-informed and faster decisions. Providing this information for clients’ convenience will improve your customer experience in the long run, along with your sales.

5. Video schema

Making a video for every product is really not necessary, but creating videos for some products can be very fruitful for your business, and it gives you a better chance of getting ranked on the SERPs. Videos that include useful information can help the customers to see and understand the product; the complexities, and the proper usage. It is also a good way to grab the attention of people, create engaging dialogue, and help them to connect with your brand.

If you do not know how to tackle this properly, there are numerous services that can help you create a video for your top products.