5 Best Languages for your Career

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Language may be a factor that helps you get a job company, but some corporations will consider your language mastery. Language has become an essential aspect in the company nowadays, not only for internal function but also for the business relationship. Hence, understanding other languages besides your mother tongue will be helpful for your self-development and حياة مهنية. But now, the question arises, “What language do you have to learn?” There are hundreds of official languages and thousands of indigenous languages. So, I will tell you the five best languages you must learn for your bright future career.

Best Languages for Your Career

• English

This language is not optional anymore; English has become mandatory. For those living in a non-English speaking country, you must master English and become as fluent as possible or near-native level. It will be convenient for you, especially if you plan to work in a multinational company or company with a business relationship with a global company. English has become the world’s lingua franca, meaning that all international connections and consortiums will employ English as their primary communication language. Mastering English is paramount for your working life to pursue a better career.

• Mandarin

Do you know that China has grown its economic power aside from the United States of America? Even now, the USA and China are currently in a war, the trade war. For China to compete with the USA means that its economic power is no joke. Also, many gigantic companies emerged from China, such as Huawei, Lenovo, and even Alibaba, which now expand their market in Southeast Asia. These events make Mandarin one of the most critical languages you can learn today. Although writing differs from the alphabet, you can learn it with patience and passion. Furthermore, if you want to work with any business company, this Mandarin mastery becomes one of your additional assets.


Undoubtedly, German, one of the most significant European languages, can be one of your best language options for working. In fact, due to the status of German as an economic powerhouse, this language will benefit you more, especially regarding your salary. If you want or currently working in the automotive industry, learn German. Many big car companies such as Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW all come from German. Also, investing in the German language will be worthwhile if your company has a business connection with German-speaking countries.


Many people from the American continent need to learn this. Spanish is the second foreign language that is widely used worldwide. In the US and Europe, Spanish has even become a second foreign language choice aside from English. Furthermore, some Spanish-speaking countries will also become candidates for economic powerhouses, so there will be no reason not to learn Spanish. Don’t worry; experts said Spanish is the most accessible language for you to know if you already master English, so lovely, right?


Python is not a language for you to speak with your friends or professors, but this is the future of the language. You won’t use this language to talk with other human beings but to ‘talk’ with the computer as a programmer. For decades, many jobs have required the applicant to master this language, which is growing steadily. Right now, the programming language is already used around the world. Python is one of the most famous and widely used due to its simplicity compared to others. If you want to work in IT and other industries that need programming languages, learn Python.

So, what language do you want to learn today? All of them can be considered the main languages in working life. Patience and motivation is the key to learning. Good luck!

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