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Best practices to improve email deliverability

Best practices to improve email deliverability (2)

Email deliverability is an important metric — it shows how many of your emails actually reach your subscribers’ inboxes. Typically, email deliverability falls when your emails get blocked by specific internet service providers or when your emails are flagged as spam. Don’t worry, though — there are ways to improve email deliverability, and we’re going to go over some of the main ones right here!

Email Deliverability Strategies

If you want to achieve success in digital marketing, you will have to utilize all kinds of strategies. Obviously, email campaigns are a big part of that, but you need to do everything in your power to make sure the emails you send out actually get delivered and read.

With that in mind, we’ve compiled a short guide with the most often-used tactics used to improve email deliverability. These are:

●       Email domain authentication

●       IP allocation

●       Opt-in tweaks

●       Great subject lines

●       Preference centers

●       Clean lists

IP Allocation

Today’s online marketing world is incredibly data-driven; you need to measure the right metrics if you want to maintain a steady level of success and improve email deliverability. For example, if you want to scale up your email marketing campaign, you need to be mindful of your email infrastructure.

When you cross the threshold of 25,000 emails per day, you should think about a dedicated IP address for sending. And once you do that, don’t start sending newsletters to your complete mailing list right away. Warm things up and gradually increase the number of emails to avoid being deemed spammy by an internet service provider.

Email Domain Authentication

In the world of email marketing, authentication is an important thing; sometimes, solutions for your marketing issues need to be thought of beforehand. To be more precise — you need to get ahead of the curve and handle problems before they arise.

For instance, there are situations where someone may impersonate you by hijacking your email domain. This situation could have disastrous consequences for your brand value online; it’s something that you have to prevent from happening. One of the ways to do this is to enable Domain Keys Identified Mail and Sender Policy Framework — DKIM and SPF.

To put it simply, these are methods for email authentication that prevent anyone from unauthorized IP addresses from using your email domain. That way, internet service providers are less likely to block your emails because they know you’re trustworthy. As you might imagine, this process can get tricky, but it’s well worth the effort if you want to improve email deliverability.

Opt-in Tweaks

Your lead generation process has a significant influence on your effort to improve email deliverability. In other words, the way you assemble your mailing list is essential. A well-rounded opt-in procedure will make sure that you only send your content out to people who are members of your target audience, people who are more likely to engage with your brand.

The last thing you want is to send content to individuals that didn’t consciously agree to receive it or don’t have a connection to your niche. These people are likely to mark the content as spam, and after a while, ISPs may start thinking that you’re sending spam to everyone, even if a majority of people on your list want to read your emails.

So, how do you prevent this? Our recommendation is a double opt-in procedure. Before anyone gets on your mailing list, they will have to go through two steps of verification. This will result in a smaller list at first, but everyone who gets on it will be a prospective lead that wants to engage with your brand.

Subject Lines

If there’s one piece of advice that you’ll encounter on any blog related to email marketing, it’s this: pay attention to your subject lines. And that’s for a sound reason, too — there is no piece of email content more crucial to whether someone will read and open your email. You should try as hard as you can to avoid any phrases that seem spammy in your subject lines; not only will certain ISPs potentially block you, but your readers won’t be attracted to the emails either.

While you may find lists of words that email marketing experts believe should be avoided, know that there is no specific rule as to what you should avoid. Nothing will ever guarantee that your emails are delivered to someone’s inbox. Just try to keep your subject lines free of anything that doesn’t convey your message or contain some genuine value.

Preference Center

In general, people prefer having options to choose from; email marketing is no different in that regard. That’s why we recommend you set up a preferences center – a page where people can set some options regarding your emails, like how often they’d like to receive them.

Feeling like they have a certain degree of control is something your target audience will enjoy; you’ll soon see improved engagement rates and email deliverability.

List Cleaning

You shouldn’t keep any disinterested and inactive people on your mailing list; there’s no reason to send content to those who don’t want to engage with it. And as we’ve mentioned above, it can even be detrimental to your online reputation.

To improve email deliverability, we recommend giving people an easy way out; if someone wants to unsubscribe, they should be able to do it swiftly. Also, scrub your mailing list of unengaged users frequently so that your list isn’t filled with unnecessary contacts.

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