5 vrhunskih savjeta za poslovni marketing

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Marketing can be a time consuming, and difficult task but the fact is that it is also one of the most important steps when it comes to running a business. People take different approaches when it comes to reaching out, depending on multiple factors that you need to take into account before taking action. Why don’t we have a look at some helpful business marketing tips that have been proven to be successful.

Establish your identity

It is important to have your own, unique identity, something that will make you stand out from the crowd. Ask yourself these questions: What is my business about? What audience am I targeting? What makes me different from my competitors? How do I want to present myself to the people I am targeting? Having answers to questions like these will help you to start building an online presence, and with a strong start, your business can reap the benefits for years to come. Now all you need to do is come up with a name and an eye-pleasing logo that people will not only respond to but also remember.

Create an amazing website

You probably know that the first impressions are the ones that count, which means that having a great user-friendly website can go a long way. Consider your site as a cost-effective way to market your business, share information with potential clients, and an opportunity to generate more leads. And the best part is, you do not have to spend a silly amount of money to create and maintain a website since there are numerous tools that can help you with that.

Considering the fact, that a lot of people do their surfing on their mobile devices, you probably want your website to be mobile-friendly.

Writing material and pictures

Adding a blog to your website can be nothing but beneficial. It is a good way to keep your clients informed. But you do have to post fresh content as frequently as possible so people know you are a serious provider. Post at least once a week, and keep the content fresh and engaging, and because we are visual beings, include a relevant picture or two. Try to make it shareable too; if your audience responds well to the content, they will share it for you. And if you want to get really involved with your customers, add a comment section, where they can leave their reviews, and ask questions, just be sure to reply.

Društveni mediji

The most crowded places on the web are surely social media platforms, and after you have your website up and running, you really should create social media profiles for your business. You probably do not have to sign up for every single platform there is, but you should definitely consider more than one.

Sharing content on Facebook and suchlike is extremely easy, but you don’t want to come across as pushy or needy so be careful how you approach your followers; catchy and intriguing titles, and nice pictures can be a fantastic lure.

E-mail marketing

This strategy is not just free and easy, but it is also a great way to communicate with your clients, new or existing. There are plenty of e-mail marketing tools that can help you with this step, and you can then proceed with different tactics, such as e-mail newsletters. This will let your customers know that you are dedicated and serious about your business.

Offer discounts, free trials, giveaways

Nothing speaks to people more than anything free. Depending on what your business is about, offering some free treats to newcomers or loyal clients can be a great boost for you; it is a good way to reel new customers in and to keep the existing ones happy.


It might seem unnecessary to go through all this trouble when you can just put up a website and go from there, but without a proper plan and some guidelines to follow, that could result in an expensive disaster. And even though you most likely know this, SEO is important when it comes to marketing; you do this right and the search engine will do a lot for you too.


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