Can you publish Same Content for Link Building?

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In the field of digital marketing, link building is hard as well as tricky to accomplish the goal. It is the field to get sometimes frustrated, sometimes you will see miracles of good traffic or either drop down of traffic due to some sort of penalties made by different search engines. Each SEO Step will take you high or bottom based on work done by you. Therefore, in this article, we are going to consider a very simple thing – can you really publish same content for Link Building which is very common and short method. We will understand in depth to reach the conclusion. Let’s start with point 1st –

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why Duplicate content bad for SEO ?

1. Publishing same content on multiple websites can increase your SEO back-links which helps to increase your site metrics rapidly but, it may consider as spamming due to duplicate. Same content on multiple websites provides no meaning for search engines to crawl as it will look at the content only as spamming or self promotion.

2. In case, you published original content on your website then, you can share the direct URL to the content and some short of summary with social networking sites and other off page optimization sites. It is good for SEO and enables to drive more traffic of your visitors.

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3. If you are going to publish same content on multiple sites then, your back-link may also consider as unnatural or spam which can hit your website traffic or de-index your website at anytime.

4. Sometimes, people try to add more fresh content with duplicate content or they like to use article rewriting tools which completely changes the content by placing synonyms to the different words. But, this shortcut method provides no meaning for search engines to crawl the webpage at good position and delivers the traffic.

In final words, to get success in SEO, it is important to design good quality 2000 words minimum content to skip huge competition. Your topic must be interesting for visitors rather than thinking about search engine algorithms which work on basis on visitors. You may take up-to three to five days to design a good content or you can hire professional writers, so save your timeframe by delivering them your good topics. You can search high quality topics and then, start completing contents for a good back-link. A good content is only the assured way to hold the traffic or shortcut method can help you but, not very long.

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