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Tips og tricks til kodningsopgaver


Tips and Tricks of Coding Assignments, Are you feeling overwhelmed by the many new skills you’re trying to learn for your first coding courses? Do you feel like there’s so much material out there that it’s impossible to get a grasp of it all?

We’ve got good news! We’re here to help. Java lektiehjælp eksperter vil give nogle tips og tricks til studerende, der kigger på deres første kodningsopgaver. Det vil diskutere vigtigheden af motivation, hvordan du holder styr på din tid, og hvad du skal gøre, når du sidder fast i et problem.

With that said, let’s begin!


Don’t be too ambitious when picking your project.

Tag et bredere perspektiv for at få en samlet god tilgang.

For eksempel i den første assembler-opgave: Dette er en relativt kompleks software, der sigter på at forbruge det menneskelige input og omdanne det til MIPS-maskinkode. Så lav det overordnede billede af at prøve at bygge senderen først (skriv kode, der accepterer brugerinput og udsender maskinkode) og kom derefter ind i detaljerne.

You could worry about all kinds of details at first, but most likely, you will never get around to them if you don’t have a simple project in mind. So focus on a concrete thing, and then once you’re done, move on to another project; don’t get bogged down in finishing one particular detail.

Registrer din tid brugt på hver opgave.

Lav en tidslinje, så du har en idé om, hvor lang tid hver del tog. Det vil hjælpe dig med at holde styr på din tid og forhindre udsættelse. Det kan også hjælpe dig med at vurdere, om projekter vil blive færdige inden for den tildelte tid, dvs. hvis tidslinjen er strakt ud, arbejder du måske bare på en uendelig løkke på vej mod aldrig at afslutte noget overhovedet, hvilket kan være ret nedslående i starten.

Når du kommer længere i UI-opgaverne, kan du spore din tid til at regne ud dine fremskridt hen imod færdiggørelse.

At skrive din kode

You’ll probably feel discouraged by the amount of work you have to do.

Sometimes it might feel like you can’t finish it, so take your time and don’t give up.

Good code is a bit like writing an essay: you’ll spend hours writing notes for each assignment as you break down the project into smaller pieces, re-read your code over to look for improvements and make sure that all parts work together well as a whole. It won’t be perfect at first, so keep writing code until you’ve reached a point that you’re confident with your code and it works well in its intended purpose.

If you’re struggling with this, ask others for help.

Take a look at the assignment in question and then ask yourself if you can see how it would work. Take the code you wrote so far and try to figure out if it works. Then ask for advice on how to make it work, don’t be shy! For example, some students do not know how to create arrays in C. Someone may offer insight into how they could proceed with their assignment and even help them with it.

Tænk grundigt over, om du vil bruge koden fra projektfilerne.

You’re going to be learning a lot of new things in this course, and trying to get started ahead of everyone else might feel like a good idea, but it’s not. The code you’ve written might be excellent and working code, but it’s the content of your assignment that’s important. It’s the knowledge you gain from this Rute; lære, hvordan du tænker på et problem, før du går i gang med at skrive kode.


If you’re finding it difficult to debug your code or find errors in your code, make sure you’re doing it right.

Mange af disse problemer skyldes som regel, at du ikke forstår opgaven ordentligt og dens funktionalitet, så tag det bare langsomt og gennemtænk hver del af opgaven og dens kilde. Tænk over, hvordan du kan gøre tingene lettere for dig selv. Hvis noget er svært at forstå i starten, så spørg nogen om hjælp! Du kan bruge Stack Overflow til denne slags ting.

Figuring out for yourself if a piece of code works or not can be difficult. You might have found out that your assignment does not work, and you’re not sure how to proceed. It is one of the big difficulties in learning about programming: sometimes the problem is within your program rather than something external to it. You won’t know this unless you break it down into its smallest parts and experiment with it until you find what’s gone wrong.


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