Working in another country is not as easy as if you are working in your own country. That is because the rules and regulations are different from country to country. Aside from that, there are a lot of challenges that you will face while working abroad. Some of these challenges are cultural differences, homesickness, and surroundings adaptation. However, these challenges should not discourage you from seeking great opportunities elsewhere. That is why you should definitely think about getting a work visa.

Singapore, in particular, is one of the countries that are easy to get a work visa. They don’t have many restrictions given that you are eligible for the work permit Singapore pass. Furthermore, they provide many kinds of work passes depending on the type of job. If you are interested in working in Singapore, you need to understand why it is easy to get a work visa in Singapore.

Why is it easy to get a work visa in Singapore

#1 – Straightforward work permit Singapore application process

One of the reasons why many people say that a work permit Singapore visa is easy to get is because of its application process. The work visa application in Singapore can be done either manually or online. The Ministry of Manpower had posted all the information every applicant needs when applying for a work pass. This includes requirements, eligibility, procedure, and other key facts. Thus, aspiring work permit Singapore candidates can visit the official website of the Ministry of Manpower to learn more.

Another reason why the work visa application is easy in Singapore is that almost all passes have the same application process. Despite that, the Ministry of Manpower still has posted the guides for every work permit Singapore application. They even posted videos on how to properly input information on the application form. Thus, a simple review of these guides can give you a clearer understanding of the work permit Singapore application process.

#2 – Fresh graduates and student applicants

Some countries are very strict with their work visa applicants. Some of them will need at least five years of related work experience. Others only accept employment visa applicants that graduated from the top tertiary institutions of their country. As a result, these rules have prevented many students and fresh graduates from seeking a job abroad. However, the situation is different in Singapore.

Fresh graduates are eligible to get a work permit Singapore visa. Work passes like the S Pass and E Pass do not necessarily demand work experience. That is as the employment visa applicant had graduated from a validated school in their country. If the school you graduated from is not on the validated school list, you can have your diploma validated by an accredited school validation agency.

#3 – Singapore working holiday program

Aside from the direct work visa application procedure, Singapore provides employment visa programs. These programs allow foreigners to easily get a work pass in Singapore. These have a much easier process compared to the regular work permit Singapore application. One of these foreign employment programs is the Singapore working holiday program.

The Singapore working holiday program allows students and fresh graduates to come to Singapore for six months. Within those six months, they are allowed to work and vacation in the country at the same time. During this period, work visa holders are allowed to explore job opportunities. They can even apply for jobs while they are in the country. Furthermore, they can expand on their skill sets by attending technical classes in Singapore. If they can get a certificate in one of these institutions, they will be highly eligible for the regular work permit Singapore passes. Thus, you must be familiar with the special employment programs offered in Singapore.

#4 – Work visa assistance agencies

Another reason why getting a work visa in Singapore is easy is because of the many established employment visa service agencies. These firms help employers and employees alike by applying for the work permit Singapore application on their behalf. Take Lily as an example. Lily owns a clothing factory in Singapore and wishes to hire foreign seamstresses. However, she has a lot on her plate which prevents her from finding the time to apply for her foreign employees’ work visa. Thus, she seeks the help of an employment visa service agency to do this for her. In addition, the Ministry of Manpower allows applicants to use an employment visa agent. Thus, there is nothing wrong with seeking the services of these work pass assistance firms.

Why hire work permit Singapore service companies?

A work visa service company can assist Singapore entrepreneurs to hire employees from overseas. Many entrepreneurs prefer this because it lessens their burdens for another entity will complete these tasks on their behalf. However, those are not the only benefits you can get by availing of work visa services. In this section of the article, we will discuss why you should hire work permit Singapore firms.

Check your qualifications

Not everyone is permitted to get a work visa in Singapore. Furthermore, there is a specific visa for a specific type of job. If you are a high-skilled employee, you can apply for the E Pass or the PEP. If you are a mid-skilled worker, you can get an S Pass. If you will work as a domestic helper, there is also a specific work visa for that. For those reasons, you need to check carefully if you will qualify for the employment visa you wish to avail.

With the help of a work permit Singapore company, they can assess whether you are eligible for the work pass you are applying for. They will tell you what your chances are to get approved for the work pass. In addition, they can give you advice on what employment visa to get. Thus, they can ensure that you get the right employment visa that you are eligible for.

Fulfill all the work visa requirements

The most laborious part of the work visa process is fulfilling all the requirements. Each pass has its unique requirements. The requirements of an E Pass is different from that of the PEP. The PEP has a different set of requirements compared to the EntrePass. You can easily search for the exact work pass requirements by visiting the official website of the Ministry of Manpower. However, you may not know how to get the necessary documents or you may have some questions that you need immediate answers to. That is why it is recommended that you get help from a work permit Singapore service provider.

A work pass service agency will help you complete your requirements. They can give you alternative solutions should the requirements are not available. Thus, through a reliable employment visa assistance firm, you can fulfill all the requirements and be able to submit your application with ease.

Get you a work visa with no problems

Another great advantage of availing the services of a work permit Singapore company is being able to apply for the employment visa without any issues. Doing your own application can be challenging especially if you are not 100% familiar with the process. This can lead to some errors in the application process. Furthermore, this can result in the work pass application getting rejected. If you do not want to waste your time, money, and effort, it is recommended you ask an employment visa service company to help you.

A firm like this is familiar with the work visa application. They know what aspect of the application can trigger the Ministry of Manpower to disapprove the application. They have the solution to fix the issue. Thus, you can assure that you will get the work pass visa without any mishaps.

Further help

A reliable work permit Singapore service company will assist you in the application. Aside from collecting the necessary documents and filling out the application form, they will continue to help you until you get the pass. They will guide you until you have the employment visa card in your hands.

Helping you get a work visa in Singapore is not the only service these work pass agencies can provide you. They can help you with renewing your current work pass. They can even assist you in upgrading your work pass or reapplication should you change employers or jobs. Thus, these work visa service firms will continuously offer services to you as you wish to work in Singapore.

Getting a work visa may be difficult in other countries. Luckily, Singapore is not one of them. Aside from their easy application process, they offer fast work pass programs to encourage foreigners, especially fresh graduates and students, to work in Singapore. Furthermore, they can acquire the assistance of employment visa agents to process the work permit Singapore applications.