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10 Cloud Email Templates That Sales Experts Needed (100% FREE)

Being a sales expert takes a long learning curve. That is why you need guidance, especially on emerging mattes in the marketing niche. Of late, people have been targeting customers even when they have never heard of your product, Email Templates

As sales personnel, you need to know how to do it right since it will be a cold message that the customer is seeing for the first time. The last thing you need is to be declared spam. We are afraid that’s where many sales emails land in the end though.

So, we will introduce ten cloud email templates that you can use to reach customers and ensure that the message sticks.

Why Do You Need Email Templates?

There is a major difference between an email that a prospect would never look at and the one that will lead to sales and collaboration. What would you consider though? Is it the length of the email? A better subject? Or do you need welcoming ideas?

The right answer here is that you need all of the above and more. On the other hand, you don’t want to appear too stuffy and that’s where the trick lies. Art and science are deployed when typing a sales email, whether it’s a long-term customer or a new one.

We have done some research for you to come up with ten template ideas that you can use based on the marketing strategy you want to use. You can visit websites like CocoSign to learn more about sales email templates and include catchy email signatures.

Top 10 Cloud Email Templates for Sales Experts

1.      Introducing Yourself

The first template that you need to learn about is the one you will use to introduce yourself to new clients. It could also be an email to introduce a new product or service. There is a need to stand out when writing such, especially if the prospect sees the email for the first time.

While you need to be straight to the point, you can introduce yourself and your skills. After that, proceed with what you are offering and indicate what you need from the client.

2.     Building Rapport

At times, you need to establish a better relationship with your clients. So, you need to send an email that will show your concern and what you can do diligently. Such an email will need pointers to the research you have done about your prospects.

You can get valuable information first about what the client does, the company they work in, and some of the business clients associated with the customer. If you reference the company and mention what you can do, that will be a good attempt to fulfill something that the customer needs.

3.     Free Tools Provision

A sales email having something to give will often be considered as important. That is why your signature CTA in the email should have something to offer or return. Inciting the prospect to join is critical, but you don’t need to overdo it.

Once you have an actionable CTA, it will trigger more customers to respond to the email.

4.    Establishing Value

As you look forward to offering something, you need to show how the client will benefit from the product or service. If you are looking forward to working together, you must give the points that you will want to work on and deliver.

In such an email, you can connect with the client, which should be easy for them.

5.     Still Interested?

You should show focus on the need you are trying to fulfill after sending the first email. That will grab the prospects’ attention and show them that you are determined to follow up and provide the service or product needed.

If you have a tight schedule that would make you forget to send the email, you can always set a reminder.

6.    Referencing a Company

As you send a sales email, you need to be aware of how the industry is changing. So, keep reading the news and the brand trends in your niche and other events such as fundings, appointments, mergers, and product divisions.

That also implies subscribing to newsletters and follow leading entities in the industry.

7.     Researching and Referring to Social Media

Social media has eased the way we communicate with people these days. So, apart from sending emails, you may want the customer to know your Instagram, Linked In, and Twitter handles.

Including your links in the email will drive the customers to more outlets, making it easier to reach out to you. LinkedIn has always been a better place to professionally and vigorously advertise a product or service. Including your link on the email to your account will open the doors for you.

8.    A Sorry Email Template

In such a template, you may want to apologize for changing things or maybe not following up on time. Here, you should always focus on the problem and an actionable solution.

Let the clients know that you will always be in touch, and there will be nothing automated about the emails unless they subscribe to something.

9.    Warming Up the Cold Leads

If you have been in touch with some clients for some time, and they go cold on you, you can warm up the deal. Here, you can offer a way to get in touch and share or discuss more ideas. It should be a way that both you and the client can use.

10.  Credibility Email

At times, clients may wonder why they should engage business with you. That is where credibility comes in, and it will give you the upper hand as you try to reach out to more customers.

You can share your skills, portfolio, awards and rankings, and any brochures or landing pages that the prospects can use.


The above ideas will help you brainstorm on the kind of sales email you want to send. Getting such clues will help in knowing what to include and leave out. There are hundreds of templates online for you to get the idea.

If you want recommendable websites that give you worthy templates, visit the CocoSign website for more information and tips.


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