Videos are the best way to gain the attention of your audience. It is the type of medium most content creators use to gain a huge reach and traffic for their business. 

Moreover, you can opt for the online video editor, Promo, and visit to create impactful videos easily. However, when you make a video, your goal should be to attain maximum exposure. But, now that almost all content creators make use of videos, it doesn’t make the task any easier.

So, we have come up with a –

Few innovative ways that can help your Promo video stand out

1.   Point of Difference

It’s not a secret that brands have competition. Taking inspiration from another brand’s content is also not a new thing. After all, these are methods that have been in the industry for a long time. 

So, to make your brand video stand out, you have to come up with a point of difference list between your brand and brands similar to your industry.

A ‘point of difference’ list shows the differences between your brand and the other one. These differences shouldn’t be the usual ones like ‘great customer service’ or ‘on-time delivery.’

Instead, there should be differences that separate your company completely and help your brand stand out. For example, the storyline of why this brand came into existence or what was its foundation, and so on.  

You can use the online video editor, Promo, to showcase these points of difference and grab the public’s attention.

2.   Attention-Grabbing Thumbnail

Thumbnails are the first thing a user will see while they scroll through videos. Hence, every brand will come up with one. Your thumbnail should be eye-catchy enough that the user will scroll back to see what the video is about.

A thumbnail is what represents your video and people will click on it if they think the video is worth it. So, once you have prepared your Promo video, add a thumbnail.

Also, make the thumbnail eye-catchy and add the element of curiosity so that viewers will want to click!

However, do not use click baits in your thumbnails. This will only annoy the viewer and eventually, they will lose respect for your content.

3.   Focus On First 5-10 Seconds

Focus On First 5 10 Seconds

The first 5-10 seconds of a video are crucial since they determine whether or not a person will watch it. This is the point at which editing and pre-production collide.

Your audience expects information to be delivered rapidly, preferably, in the first 10 seconds of the video. If they’re interested, they’ll usually put in the effort to watch the ad till the end.

So, it’s imperative that you use your online video editor – Promo, to make the first few seconds extremely engaging. For instance, you can add subtle filters, texts, or even use readymade templates.

4.   Stay True To Yourself

Being yourself can apply to both individual businesses as well as companies with multiple employees. If you can fill your video with your own particular mark, style, and feel, or culture, you’ll have no trouble sticking apart!

But, try your best to stay away from fake content. Once people find out your content was misleading, everything may go downhill from there. So it’s better to be yourself and stick to the truth because your audience will appreciate honesty!

5.   Add Emotions!

Add Emotions

Emotions are important when you create a video. If your ads lack emotion, people are less likely to sit through your entire video. This is because humans connect through emotion and want something to relate to.

So, it is essential to use audio and images in your video because your narration can only instill so much emotion. You can also add music, using the online video editor, Promo, in the background to bring on more emotions.

6.   The Use Of Senses

Humans have five senses. Touch, smell, taste, sight, and sound. Most of our memorable memories are retained because we incorporated the use of these senses.

Incorporating these senses in your video will make it stand out. This will help your viewers to remember you.

Unfortunately, we cannot incorporate all these senses in a video. The only senses we can use are sight and sound. So make the best of it.

If your audience can hear your pitch and see your brand, you’re winning. Your audience will be able to remember your content and your video will stand out.

7.   Come Up With Fresh Content

If you want to stay on top, you have to come up with fresh and new content almost every day. And if you already have an audience, you are one step ahead of everyone.

Creating content every day will also increase your brand awareness. Maybe you won’t gain popularity almost immediately, but your video being out there will definitely increase your views eventually.

The best way to come up with fresh content is by keeping up with the trends. For instance, if it’s the holiday season, you can use holiday templates from Promo, to create a unique ad.

8.   Tell A Story

Your video may have beautiful pictures or soothing music, but it’s almost useless if it doesn’t have a story.

Your story is what keeps your viewers engaged. Hence, everything else will fall into place if the story you’re delivering is interesting! But remember to stay truthful even when you’re telling a story. Fabricating lies to gain viewers can lead to more damage than good.

Moreover, Promo offers you a set of filters and effects to enhance the storytelling experience.

9.   Storyboarding!

Storyboarding is all about planning the video. Sure, you can make a spontaneous video, there’s nothing wrong with that but if you have a storyboard, making your video will become easy.

Note that a storyboard is a type of organizer where you can arrange the images into a sequence before making the video. It will give you an on how your video would finalize. Also, storyboards are extremely useful for animated videos too!

Once you have the storyboard ready, you can implement it using an online video editor easily.

Final Thoughts

Video making in itself is an innovative format. A couple of years ago most content developers were afraid of creating video content. But all of that is now in the past. We have come to realize that video contents gain more reach.

Video content is the right way to go if you want to step up your game in whatever industry you’re in. And even though everyone is doing it, you can still be innovative by following these simple tips.