While applying for jobs and advancing in their careers, people often prioritize industry-specific skills. However, that can turn out to be a huge mistake. Even though they’re not mentioned as requirements in job descriptions, employability skills are as equally important as industry-specific skills.

Some employers look for employability skills more than industry-specific skills, as they make you more capable of handling various tasks. Employability skills improve your overall job performance and minimize the chance of errors,preparing you for multiple types of jobs. More importantly, such skills give you a competitive edge while applying for jobs and promotions, increasing your chances of accelerating your career even without extraordinary qualifications. Therefore, it’s crucial to gain these skills to excel in your career and impress employers. Here are four employability skills you should focus on to accelerate your career.

Technical skills

Undoubtedly, technology is becoming more prevalent each day as companies continue to use it extensively in workspaces.Regardless of what type of industry you want to excel in, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with today’s work methods with the help of technical skills.Without sufficient technological knowledge and skills, you might struggle to propel your career as employers see you as a redundant resource. In contrast, gaining technical skills will not only impress employers but will also help you rapidly advance your career by increasing your efficiency.Leveraging technology to achieve operational efficiency and effectively using emerging tech tools, systems, and software are common skills employers expect from workers.

In today’s advanced era, one can sharpen technical skills and capabilities alongside mastering how to implement technology appropriately in the workplace through online platforms. Indeed, eLearning allows individuals to hone essential IT skills and remain abreast of changing technology landscape. Business professionals can opt for MBA technology management online and study alongside working full-time with utmost ease. With such a degree on your hands, you’ll masterimpressive technical skills that will allow you to take on highly specialized tasks in your career.


While you may encounter an entirely different set of problems in each career field, the skills needed to tackle those problems are the same. Primarily, problem-solving includes identifying variousissues and quickly coming up with practical solutions. Whether you’re building an aircraft or making a computer program, you’ll need the ability to understand the obstacles you face to solve them effectively. Excellent problem solvers are known to see their problems from different perspectives while dividing them into smaller parts for efficient handling. To refine your problem-solving skills, you can try working on challenging projects and research assignments or participate in brainstorming. Furthermore, it’s also possible to improve problem-solving capabilities by solving puzzles and playing problem-solving games. Studies have shown that puzzles can improve reasoning, concentration, memory, and problem-solving.

Effective problem-solvers are always sought after by employers, giving you a competitive advantage in your career. After all, companies rely on problem-solving individuals to overcome their obstacles and fulfill their goals. More importantly, good problem-solving skills will increase your job performance and allow you to handle tasks more efficiently, reducing workload.


In today’s age, every field, sector requires apt communication skills, making it one of the most imperative skills to learn. Practical communication skills enable you to convey your messages and ideas concisely and clearly through speaking or writing, without wasting time or making errors. However, good communication also requires listening to others and eliciting feedback, understanding information correctly. With the ability to communicate effectively, you will be able to achieve greater productivity and workplace engagement. More importantly, it will be easier to communicate with people in the workspace and coordinate with them as a team. Effective communication may also help take on the role of a leader.

Employers will be impressed by your communication efficiency, increasing your chances of being employed. Companies are always finding individuals who can convey their messages clearly to the clients as well as workers. So, ensure to improve your communication skills by communicating as frequently as you can. For example, you can try public speaking.


Now, companies expect their employees to collaborate and work in teams to achieve lucrative results. As our work gets increasingly complicated, it’s crucial to work in teams and tackle problems together. Companies acknowledge the importance of teamwork and prefer individuals who can collaborate to achieve their goals. In contrast, individuals who tend to work alone often make errors while being less productive, making them less likely to excel in their careers. In comparison, teamwork can make you exceptionally competent.

So, if you haven’t been collaborating and working in teams, it’s essential to develop such skills as soon as you can. For this purpose, you’ll need to become more comfortable with sharing knowledge with your teammates and supporting them in their work. Great team players also know how to coordinate with the team and keep it on the right path. Leadership skills coupled with collaboration skills will make you the perfect candidate for any job.


No matter what industry you choose to venture into, employability skills are the fundamental skills needed to advance your career. Employers expect you to have these skills, even if they don’t explicitly state them in job requirements. Alongside providing you with numerous career advancement opportunities, employability skills make your job easier and more manageable to pursue. So, ensure to learn some of the essential skills mentioned above and set yourself apart from others.