Tech Skills Required for Career in Digital Media

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Over the past few decades, companies across different industries have been digitizing their operations. Marketers have switched to digital forums to promote businesses, whereas; researchers also use digital data to facilitate decisions. At the same time, buying and selling also happen online through websites acting as digital storefronts. In simple words, the digital media industry is expanding rapidly – all thanks to technological advancements.

The rising demand in this industry also makes it a prospective career option for emerging students. After all, organizations need experts who can navigate in this data-driven landscape. However, stepping into digital media isn’t as simple as it may sound. With up-and-coming tech innovations and new business dynamics, jobseekers have to build a versatile skill set. From web design, data visualization to digital product management – students have to acquire diverse tech skills.

Focus On These 4 Employability Skills to Accelerate Your Career

If you are unsure of where to begin, let us show you the ropes. Here we are highlighting seven tech skills required for a career in digital media.

Graphic & Web Design

Today, website and graphic design are the most sought-after skills in digital media. Employers need graphic designing to create social media posts and design websites. So, why not learn animation and optimization? Individuals wanting to pursue a career in this field should have competent graphic and web design skills. For that, you can look up short courses on graphic designing or opt for educational programs.

Most people think pursuing education means going back to school, but that’s not true. With eLearning programs, you can get a degree by learning from the comfort of your home. You can search for an online digital media degree and begin your journey in this industry. In addition to equipping you with graphic and web design skills, you would learn about social media marketing, data analytics, and much more.

Data Design & Visualization

As companies experience an influx of data, employers want people who can make sense of that data. Here, data design and visualization skills come into play. It is the practice of translating information into a visual context so that a human brain can understand quickly. Thus, you have to learn the art of visualizing data to help companies with the decision-making process. You should know how to identify trends and patterns from massive datasets.

Similarly, you have to learn to process and model data for broader data presentation architecture. It would help you locate, manipulate, and format data in the most efficient way. In turn, you can unfold exclusive insights for the company that can boost revenues and profitability.

Web & App Development

At the heart of digital media is coding. For every website or application development, programmers have to use JavaScript, Bootstrap, and various other languages to create software. It means, having coding skills for web and app development is a must for every person who wants a career in digital media. You can start by learning the standard programming languages necessary for growth.

In the coming years, the demand for coders is likely to increase further. After all, emerging technologies such as virtual and augmented reality will require coding. Hence, try to learn as many programming languages as you can to have a thriving career. It would help you build world-leading websites and applications, accelerating your career as a developer.


Humans make mistakes, that is a fact, but in these times, when it comes to online behavior, those actions could have catastrophic consequences on a personal or a corporate level.  That is the reason why cybersecurity skills are in high demand nowadays since some of the best sellers softwares are related with privacy, data and passwords protection. From antivirus to Virtual Private Networks, the market has plenty of options to keep the users safe and secure. Therefore, there is a significant need of professionals in the field that are able to forecast the upcoming risk and stipulate a solution accordingly, as well as develop a strategy to face any potential risk that users can find on the Internet.

Information Literacy

We all know that the digital media sector is booming but what’s next? Understanding the digital media landscape and thinking about upcoming tech evolutions is another critical success factor. First, you have to understand your creative rights and navigate leading web pages to learn about the market dynamics. Precisely, you have to utilize your research skills to determine where the industry is heading.

Secondly, look at the trends that aren’t generating desirable results. It would ensure you don’t waste your time and energy on things with a high risk of failure. You only have to spend your time learning technology that has a bright future outlook. Having this knowledge would put you above other candidates while bracing you for a tech-savvy world.

Data Analytics

These days, companies gather a myriad of data through digital forums but unfortunately, they don’t know how to convert raw data. Thus, they look for analysts who can make sense of data and give valuable insights, increasing the demand for analytical skills. Therefore, people thinking of stepping into the digital media industry must develop analytical expertise. From working with descriptive and predictive analytical tools, you should have familiarity with data science.

Likewise, you have to upscale your comprehension skills. Whether the datasets are substantial or distorted, you should be able to find and analyze the patterns. This competent skill will keep you ahead of the employment curve, ensuring long-term success. In addition, analytical skills will help you land a managerial role in the organization.

Digital Product Management

Another skill that has become increasingly popular in digital media is digital product management. You have to create successful digital products that contribute to the company’s mission and vision. In simple words, you should have a keen understanding of software methodologies such as SCRUM and Kanban. In addition, you must be aware of lean product development since it is one of the practical techniques of product development.

Besides this, product management also requires an understanding of software as a service (SaaS) since it has become integral in the tech sector. Knowing digital product management will open doors to a career in digital media. Hence, you can even qualify for the role of digital product manager.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Lately, SEM has become one of the most influential marketing disciplines in today’s tech-savvy world. Therefore, students have to familiarize themselves with SEM. Perhaps, you can learn about the top-ranking factors to improve the company’s visibility on search engines. By doing that, the business will attract a lot of traffic from the results page. In addition, you should know how to run paid advertisements on Google by creating a customized plan.

Moreover, you have to understand how Google analytics work to determine which campaigns are bringing results. Similarly, Google Analytics also reveals website performance, whether it is attracting visitors or not. Having a knack for search engine marketing remains attractive for employers, improving your job prospects.

Final Thoughts

Nowadays, almost eight out of ten job skills are digitally intensive. It means graduates can increase their odds of hiring by acquiring these skills. In addition, they can even pursue a career in digital media. You have to learn the art of data visualization, product management, and web development. Likewise, you have to keep up with digital marketing practices and become tech literate to have a thriving career in this field.


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