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Today’s digital world is dynamic, especially when it comes to SEO techniques – the worst part is you might not be aware of some of the changes. Hacks that could have won your front page results in 2018 and 2019 are probably absolute now, and this could negatively impact your search engine ranking. Some of the old techniques will now land you Google penalties unknowingly. This is why you need to be in control by understanding the latest SEO secrets and choosing one that will work out for your firm.

In this post, we are going to offer a breakdown of common SEO secrets that will boost your monthly visitors from organic search.

1. Advance user experience  across our entire website

Search engines allow users to find solutions to their queries, and most of them try to offer the best solution to remain popular. There is a high chance if a search engine offers users a lot of irrelevant content, users will shift to another search engine, which bad for business. The leading search engine- Google has paid close attention to the website’s user experience during ranking. Most users tend to click on the first two results, and if you want to attract more traffic, make sure your website is among the top three.

Start by enhancing the user experience on your website for high search engine ranking. Nobody wants to land on a website that will take years to load. Reduce your overall bounce rate through regular WordPress maintenance services today.

Below are a few tips to help improve user experience fast and easy –

1. Come up with easy to read posts
2. Employ bucket brigades to pique arouse interest
3. Use the inverted pyramid style
4. Improve page design
5. Enhance site speed

2. Optimize for voice search

Did you know 50% of all searched will be conducted through voice search by year? Well, that why you are lucky to read this guide. Half of the people using Google by the end of 2020 will not be typing their queries but instead using voice-assisted techniques. Unless you optimize for search engines, there is a high chance you may become irrelevant. Note voice searchers have different habits than text searchers.

3. Focus on topic clusters opposed to keywords

Google algorithm is evolving, and so should you. The new system tends to focus on the intention of its users, what they are looking for, what will best fulfill their needs, bearing in mind user expectations. For this reason, one should take time to improve on the topic clusters and not keywords. You can’t expect your website to end up on the first page by creating keyword-centered content. You need more input meant to satisfy ‘user intent.’

Find ways to focus on what users are looking for and not how they rephrase their queries.

4. Remember longer content equals higher SEO ranking

Recent studies by Backlinko concluded there is a high likelihood the longer the content, the higher the ranking in SERPs. Writing long blog posts is not an easy task and not designed for everyone. The process can be tiring and time-consuming, but this should not be the case at all times.

The least you can do is come up with 1000+ blog posts that will satisfy user intent. Make sure you content us informative and engaging.

5. Seize video with high YouTube SEO

Did you know YouTube is the second most popular search engine? Well, with over 3 billion searches per month, what do you expect. YouTube videos rank among the top 10 in Google Search than other types of videos. Don’t assume YouTube if you want to be among key players in the industry. Find ways to build an audience on your channel.

6. Build numerous Backlinks

You are probably aware backlinks are essential in the SEO world. Links are the number one determinant of search ranks, and it would be impossible to rank websites without them. However, don’t assume every link will be good for your website. Top search engines easily span low-quality links, paid blog comments, and reviews. Such links will harm your site and should be avoided at all costs. Opt for sites that are earned through high-quality content, influencer marketing, and outreach. These sites are safe and extremely effective.

You need to change how you build links to record good results. However, one should avoid filling their profile to the brim with high quality from entrepreneur sites like Forbes to avoid being flagged for manual review.

Google manual reviews can land you on a heavy penalty if your sites are too creaky. To avoid this, always diversify your backlink profile by including links from;

*News sites
*Author bio sections
*Product guide pages

7. Make use of technical optimization

We all tend to focus on SEO and content tips and forget to build a solid website. There is no way Google would rank you position 1 if your website is popular for malfunctions.

The best way to get ahead if this is by taking charge of technical SEO through;

a. Switching to HTTPS
b. Enable AMP for mobile
c. Spend on Crawlers; deep crawl & Botify
d. Improve your semantic markup

8. Make use of landing pages and listing

Almost half of the search engine users are normally individuals looking for local information. Some of the common things people search for include local shops, addresses, and telephone numbers. If you own a brick-and-motor business, don’t neglect local SEO if you want to stay profitable.

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