What is Botox? Is it safe?


The battle against wrinkles has been going on for centuries; even before plastic operations and facelifts, people ingested potions and powders, rubbed their skin with animal blood and acid, and stretched their faces with tape and thread. In the early 2000s, Botox was approved for cosmetic use, and since then, more and more women and men decide to take this anti-aging road to everlasting beauty. But how familiar actually are you with this drug?

What is Botox?

Botox refers to botulinum toxin, a neurotoxic protein made by a bacterium named Clostridium botulinum, and it is the same typeof toxin that causes a potentially fatal type of food poisoning called botulism. Doctors use it in small doses to treat different health problems, which include a temporary paralysis of your facial movements, and smoothens existing wrinkles. By blocking the signals from the nerves to the muscles, Botox prevents contractions of injected muscles, resulting in relaxed and softened wrinkles. The effects of Botox are temporary; they generally last from three to six months, after that the wrinkles start to reappear and the procedure needs to be done again.

The most often use of this drug is on the lines around the eyes (crow’s feet), forehead lines, and frown lines. What Botox will not help with are wrinkles caused by sun damage, and gravity; if your eyelids and cheeks are starting to droop, Botox is not the way to fix that.

The procedure

Getting Botox does not require anesthesia and it only takes a few minutes to inject it; the doctor uses a small needle with a small amount of toxin, injects it into specific muscles, and the patient’s discomfort is usually minor. Normally, it takes between one and threedays for the injection to take full effect, and in the meanwhile, it is advised to not rub the injection site for about a day or so in order to avoid spreading the toxin to other areas. There are other recommendations for the before and after treatment, depending on any medication one might be taking, and the alcohol consumption should be avoided for a little while; it is best to discuss these things with a doctor to steer clear of any kind of unnecessary unpleasantness. 

Is Botox safe?

People tolerate Botox injections generally well, the side effects are very uncommon, and when performed by a properly certified and experienceddoctor, the procedure is relatively safe. But like with most pharmaceutical products, there are potential unwanted reactions, and complications, such as mild pain, bruising and swelling around the injection site, eye dryness, temporary eyelid drooping, headache, crooked smile, and flu-like symptoms.

There is a small, but very real, possibility for the injected toxin to spread to other areas of your body, and the consequences can be quite serious; one might be experiencing muscle weakness, breathing problems, vision problems, and trouble swallowing and speaking can occur. In case any of these symptoms begin to show at any point after Botox had been injected, a doctor must be contacted immediately.

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