Do you as a blog writer want your blog to be seen by many people? I think that’s what every blogger’s dream is about. Imagine that your organic traffic visit in your blog is so high, and many people will read your content and get fascinated by all your posts. The bonus will come after. If your blog is monetized, you can get more money from your writing hobby due to the high traffic. Sadly, this is not an easy matter. In the digital world, there are abundant blog sites with millions of blog posts with various topics. So can you make your blog get more clicks and stand out from the others?
Your blog has to be exposed; I must say. If you are a newbie in the blogging space, only a small amount of people will know your blog and fewer people will read it, that is if they found it interesting. Don’t worry; there are several tricks for you to acquire more visits from fellow internet surfers. One of them is to make it rank high in the search engine.
In a blogging world, the pinnacle of writing is if you succeed in making your blog to rank for the search engine. This is such an uneasy task, as there are many things to consider. Nonetheless, I will share with you the secret tactics that will help you rank very fast on Google.
Table of Contents
Toggle• Make a good article
This is one of the most mandatory things for you that many people usually forget. All of the tricks won’t be working if your articles are not even readable. You have to make sure that you create a well-researched article that will give the readers the information in a perfect density, so people will enjoy and gain information at the same time.
This requires training and formulating your writing style, and the process is not short. Some bloggers need years before they can produce the ultimate articles which everybody loves. Like the term, “good,” is relative, just make sure that your works are at least readable for the first position, and also meet the blog writing standard.
• Add Keywords
The keyword is what you usually look for when you conduct any search on Google and others. Keyword consist of short phrases which is about 3-5 words. The keyword will become significant as the search engine will know what you are writing about and will recommend it to the readers. After you create decent, readable articles, these keywords become the mandatory weapon for you to gradually increase your rank.
There are several suggestions for you regarding the keyword. First, make sure you add your primary keyword in the title tag, then your blog title. Also, include the keyword(s) to the body of your writings, but don’t stuff it. The balance between keywords and your content essences are mandatory. If the keywords are starting to bother the readers, go back to the first rule. Make sure that you put a good amount of it. Last but not least, use the proper keywords, you can do some research about how many times people click your keywords monthly. Some of the people also love to include the low-ranking keywords and try to improve it.
• Include catchy titles
Aside from the keywords and articles, you have to create the savvy titles so that people will be eager to click on your blog. Make your titles enigmatic and intriguing and people will come to your blog post. If you need some of the references, you can try to search for the top titles with your proposed topics, and see all of these top-ranked blogs. Then, try to imitate and modify, which means that you put your creativity on it to make your catchy title style.
You can also write several titles for one blog before deciding on what you will use. It will also save you time as you don’t need to think for a long period. The other paramount thing is you have to make sure that your title tags are around 512px with 923px meta descriptions. Too many truncations will give you a negative impact on your CTR (Click-Through-Rate) due to the bad impressions of the surfers.
• Prioritize your content above everything
As I mentioned before, people will come to your web because they want to read your works. That’s why well-structured and readable articles are mandatory. However, that’s not enough because you have more things to consider. First, make sure that your article will appear every time the readers click on your page from the search engine. Then, try to limit the secondary things that will disturb your readers’ experiences.
A good example is a background. Make sure that you implement a background that will not disturb your reading experiences. Also, most annoying things come from the ads and pop-ups. Make sure not to put on too many ads, or it will give the uncomfortable disruptions to the visitors. The same rules also go to pop-ups. Too many pop-ups will only make your readers lazy to come back to your blog. Lastly, make sure that your blog interface is good enough for different gadgets, whether it is the Smartphones or the PC.
• Add Images
This is one of the final touches of what should make up a super ranking blog post. Put on the necessary images for your blog post. Adding the images will give you a good amount of traffic to your blog, which is good. Nevertheless, you need to write some descriptions of the images so that Google will detect it, and hence, you will get more visitors.
Aside from search engine things, images will also give considerable experiences to the visitors. Many visitors will understand the content that you provide better if you give them the examples with the images. Then they will come back to you if they found your blog is noteworthy. It will also increase the visitors, right?
Here are all of my tips and tricks for your good start to maximize your blogging performances. However, there are no such things as instant results. You have to be patient, and gradually, your blog will climb to the top. Happy writing and good luck!