7 Tips to RankUp Your Online Store in SERP for Organic Traffic

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Everybody knows that the best way to steer in organic traffic is a properly optimized website. Let’s have a look at 7 strategies to optimize your online store to rank higher when potential clients search for the products you sell. Optimize Your Online Store 7 Best Tips You Should Follow (online store optimization tips for organic traffic) right now are as follows –


Optimizing your keywords is important; you have to do proper research to see what your customers are searching for to get to your site. With a tool like Google Keyword Planner, you can get all necessary information on your keywords including generating new ones. Once you have the keywords to rank for, make sure your own pages do not compete with each other; determine which keyword goes on which page to avoid any kind of confusion.

On-page SEO

After acquiring keywords, you need to invest some time into on-page SEO; title tags, meta descriptions, and image alt tags, every aspect of your website needs to be optimized properly, and strategically in order to rank better. The more time and effort you put into this step, the less you will have to worry about further down the road.


Search engines love high-quality content and they will help with your ranking. Be consistent with posting fresh blog content, be careful not to post any duplicate material, and do not overdo it with keywords; search engines may see that as spam and penalize you.

Mobile-friendly site

A lot of people use their mobile devices to surf the web and making your online store mobile-friendly will help with your income traffic. It is important to keep it simple for the potential clients to navigate through, and most importantly, you need to improve your page speed. Slow-loading will turn customers away which impacts your SERP ranking. Be sure to leverage browsing caching, remove the unnecessary data that can slow down loading time, optimize your images, and reduce redirects to a minimum.

Link Building

Link building is the thing that shows search engines the relevance of your content. Building both, inbound and outbound links, properly and without shortcuts, will result in more incoming traffic. Find relevant high-quality websites, where you can post inbound links to get more quality traffic. As for outbound links; they can be very helpful for customers, who want to get more useful, in-depth information, but do not overdo it, because it can go from helpful to confusing very quickly.

Community forum

Adding a forum, where your customers can exchange different information about products, suggestions, prices, will improve the value of your brand and the loyalty of your customers. Be present in these discussions, answer their questions, respond to possible complaints; this way you will show them you are a serious provider and they will trust you more.

Google Shopping

The quickest way to get to your potential clients, is by listing your product with Google Shopping. You need to get your free merchant account to be able to do that, but it is definitely something you should consider. Just make sure you follow Google’s guidelines and upload high-quality images.

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