Web design is the face of a website so that it can attract its target audience. While not every web design can be unique, several reasons for which even a hint of novelty can make a difference. Color, font, theme, and virtually everything that you can relate to a web design can make a difference if you take it seriously. That’s where website redesign plays a major part in determining how it can be instrumental in its eventual success. 

We all love to explore stuff that is new to us. The novelty factor makes us discover that thing in its entirety to know everything about it. It happens when the new season of a hit Netflix drama is ready for streaming or when Dan Brown comes up with a new book. Similarly, the new website design that we regularly visit can be interesting for us to explore. 

A New Design Will Work Everytime?

Redesigning can work wonders for a company having a tough time attracting visitors to its website. But sometimes, it can have the opposite result of what you anticipate. The decision to redesign your website can backfire if you will not do full justice to the process. Website expectancy is a big factor that tells you it is time to think about a redesign. 

So, what factors in this concern can make you think that it is the right time? Let me define the top 10 factors here that you must cater to. 

1. Message of your Evolved?

Has your message that you are spreading through your website has evolved or changed completely so that you need to alter the design completely? Think about currently what you are trying to connote to your audience and whether they have responded positively. 

2. Your Content Strategy

Content is an integral part of the design and something you can use smartly to turn things in your favor. Content must be changed regularly and especially near the festive period and the holiday season. It’s that part of the year when people worldwide do shopping, and e-commerce websites do brisk business. Incorporate smart CTAs and taglines and see the magic. 

3. Your Industry

Check what has happened with your industry. Has it evolved or stagnant? This will offer you a good view of what can be done to your design and content. You can always talk about your industry differently and apply a design that can make things interesting for your visitors. 

4. Your Industry, Design, or Technology?

Technology and design are two different industries, and you would need how to make things work for you for either of them. Technology can change rapidly. For example, if you are working on 4G technology, it’s high time to start switching for 5G. Content on your website and design should reflect that you know 5G inside out. Don’t make a blunder by claiming that you know 5G, but your website is still designed according to 4G technology and related services. 

5. Keeping up with the Design Trends

Many design trends come and go. The trend of offering full-screen videos was once a rage, but you know you will rarely see a website with this design. Redesign your website immediately if you still have this feature on your website. Furthermore, research about what can go wrong for you as not keeping up with the trends can be lethal for a website. 

If you think that this and all the factors mentioned above are too much for you, a taut consultancy from a web design Dubai agency can make things easy. 

6. Responsive Site

If your website doesn’t look good on handheld devices like a smartphone, the chances are that you will lose more than half of your audience. If you last redesigned your website around five years or even more, leave everything else and start the redesign process. Because any further delay will make you lose any chance of getting to your goal. 

7. Hard to Update Website

If your website is hard to update, it will have a tough time coping with the challenge thrown at it. A website that uses obsolete technology and only a few people know about it will give you nightmares when updating its design. Changing content will also pose some problems, but the design and development part is the main culprit. 

You will have to change your website from scratch if the design technology or development language you are using is outdated. 

8. Rankings and Traffic on Website

Check your overall ranking on Google and also within your industry. Google Analytics offers a detailed analysis of this aspect so that anyone can know everything related to it. You can also know daily, monthly or yearly traffic too that makes up your ranking. Of course, the design is a major factor that can draw traffic towards your website as first-time visitors are positively inclined after they like the design, layout, or theme of a website. 

9. Conversion Rate

Check your conversion rate that can make a real difference. Are the visitors coming on your website and leaving within a few seconds? This means not only your bounce rate is high, but also there is something fundamentally wrong with your design and content. Try to improve both of them as this can certainly have a great effect on increasing the conversion rate. Conversion optimized design that exceeds the expectation of visitors will do the trick for you. 

10. Check the High-Ranking Websites

Check what makes a website rank on top of Google searches. Is the content, design, or both of them? Mostly it is both design and content that together make for a great web experience for a visitor. A highly ranked website is visited solely for this factor without considering any other factor. People think that a highly ranked website is the best in terms of content and design and its ranking and traffic keeps on increasing. 

Over to you

Are you looking for any other aspect here? Or want to add your bit to make this list better? Please don’t shy away from speaking up, and I will be happy to answer your concerns. For any feedback too, please use the comments section below.