Web application is run on a desktop that is based on a server. It runs on the client-side without the installation process. It has two parts: A part that runs on the server, this is the storage where the database is saved, and the other part is the client-side where a person uses it on his desktop. How much does it cost to develop a web app? This is the first question that comes from any client or brand when they want to develop an app for their brand or business. It could be an individual that wants to launch his idea on the internet market and for this he/she wants to develop a web application.

The estimated cost of a web app development is considered to be less than a mobile app development i.e., iOS or Android application. But every business owner has this question in his mind about how much it costs to develop an app for his business or himself. The cost to develop a web app depends on the technologies and functionalities that you want in your desired app. The web app will be more expensive if it involves artificial intelligence, ML, the Internet of Things, and other advanced technologies. If the business owner is a technical person, he understands which team can work on these technologies and can provide him with a cost-efficient web app. Because app development is a big process that involves multiple steps and different teams play their role in it. First, the designing team decides the layout and user interface of the mobile app, then the backend team develops the design as well as the core functionalities. The data entry team also works on this to update the database of the web app.

Why develop a web application?

In this era of technology, everything depends on the tech gears and IoT devices. Every business is shifting to these modern devices and business processes are getting easier day by day. All these things like e-commerce, entertainment, media, retail, healthcare, travel, and educational industries are now dominated by web applications.

Let’s discuss the progress of the web application services, their potential in the business and how they can faultlessly reflect your individual business processes:

  • According to a report, after 5 to 7 years the market of web applications will reach $10.44 billion.
  • If we talk about e-commerce businesses the conversion rates to desktops are double of mobile apps.
  • 50% of users from all over the globe are going to uninstall the mobile apps because these apps take too much space on their mobile phones and are not easy to use for a non-technical person.

Global progressive web apps market growth

What factors affect web app cost?

A software development company never can sum up the estimated cost for a large as well as small application development, because a whole variety of factors affect the cost of an application development process. We will discuss these factors one by one below.

1 – Scope of work

This is the very first thing that affects the cost of developing a web application. First, you decide the scope of your app whether you are going to develop a simple app or a complex one like a management system for a hotel or an organization. Cost also depends on whether it is a standalone app or has any integration with third-party services.

2 – Complexity of design (UI/UX)

If you are going to choose a UI/UX design for your web app, you have two options: one is you can use any pre-created templates, later you can make changes in it as you want to. The second option is you will tell your team to create a custom UI/UX that will be high in cost. It all depends on the design complexity, the number of elements you are using in your design, and the animations. For example, developing a simple Shopify store page takes 6-8 hours and the cost on it is from $300 to $400.

3 – Hiring options

Does the cost also depend on which team of developers you are hiring for your projects? Yes, it depends on the resources and the team’s cooperation with your work significantly.

Commonly, we can choose developers from these three options; each depends on the requirements of the project:

  • Freelance Team
  • In-house developers
  • Outsourcing Company

Cost Estimation at IT company

IT companies provide full-cycle web development services. The method goes through these stages:

  • Planning
  • Projeto
  • Development
  • Testing
  • Deployment

In this workflow, a manager always coordinates with the development team. And the number of developers and designers varies from project to project.