Does guest posting still work? Guest Posting Benefits

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Since the conception of web 2.0, lots of authors have now become blogerov. Even those who did not have the heart to write began to tell their narratives on the blogosphere. Today, things have become even better, writers can write for other blog sites. There must be reasons why writers would do this, and there must be benefits for authors who spent time providing content for other third party sites, and not theirs. The benefits of guest writing can be divided into two; to the blog owner and the writer.

Benefits to the Blog owner

Increase traffic: allowing another writer, who has a loyal fan to post their content on your business site helps to drive people to your website. The fan base the content writer has will move along with him/her when they publish their article on your domain. This brings more exposure to your business.

Building relationship: allowing guests to write on your domain opens doors to the building of a relationship with other businesses in the industry since it is a form of networking which may provide an avenue for joint venturing.

Increase content variety: every writer whether writing on the same topic will have a different perspective and angle of writing. Hence, the more bloggers write on your site, the more chances of avoiding it to become dull and introduce different approaches to a topic.

A chance to do other things: Although writing a single article always rewards the business, it’s good to consider the element of time consumed as you are required to create quality content on a regular basis. Having authors gives you a chance to relax while focusing on other aspects of the business.

To the writer

Networking channel: writing in another content gives a writer the spotlight to major players in the niche. Most popular contents are well connected, and the moment you write something they feel attached to, their followers will trust you, and this will open possibilities of new opportunities.

Improve your blogging skills: for a publisher to secure their work on leading sites, they must have produced high-quality content. Hence, they must follow certain submission guidelines, and through this, they sharpen their experience and engagement, much needed on top themes.

Boost the search engines: writers should include a link to the guest bloggers site either at the beginning or end of their post. Over time, the backlinks help in raising the value of the content on the search engines hence making the publisher content easy to find.


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