Black Hat SEO is the process through which we mainly target the search engine to grab the visitors and increase the revenue instantly. This process don’t target visitors, don’t care long term investment to earn revenue smoothly and it does not follow rules of search engines. There are several process to do Black Hat SEO for your Website and also presenting the solution of question Why We Should Away with Black Hat SEO as –

1. Link Farms

The first reason is Link Farms in which a group of websites are linked to each other and each website also hyperlinked to your website. It is used to increase your website back-links and it is considered as spamming the index of a search engine.

2. Parasite Hosting

For the search engine benefit, we host a website on someone’s else web server without his/her consistent. Such type of hosting known as parasite hosting and often punishable by search engines.

3. Keyword Stuffing

It is the most popular method in which user use repetitive keywords in the meta tags or contents to target search engine for a particular keywords. This type of webpage ignored by the search engines.

4. Cloaking

Cloaking is the SEO technique in which we represent our webpage with the different IP addresses and with different contents to the search engine spider and the visitor. Whenever visitor request the webpage then, it got deliver the contents based on IP addresses or user agent http header and when search engine spider access, it got something different. Such webpage always penalized by the search engines.

5. Scraping

Copying high quality popular contents which are well indexed in the search engines and publishing it on your website to promote your website or your website products will be considered as scraping and such sites often penalized by major search engines.

6. Doorway Pages

There are many other names of Doorway Pages as Bridge Pages, Gateway Pages, Portal Pages, Jump Pages, Entry pages and by many other names. The process of doorway pages is to transfer visitors from one website to other website without their knowledge. This type of spamming as whenever visitor open a desired webpage, it redirected to other webpage page caused removing of that webpage in the search engines results page.

7. Hidden Text

Hidden Text is the process in which we add hyperlinked text to web-pages in form of hidden text which can be read by search engines but, visitors can’t see that text. It is the search spam process in all the major search engines.

8. Paid Links

The practice of placing your website links to other websites by paying them agreeable money in order to increase your website link popularity and rankings. Paid Links process often ignored by the search engines.

9. Blog Spam

It is the form of spam indexing where user place random comments or we can say that it’s promotional commercial services to blogs, wikis, forums, guest-books or other public network. Any web application which accepts and displays such hyperlinks submitted by visitors could be considered as spam by search engines.

So, these above all are the reasons which can badly impact on your website’s traffic and rankings and that’s why you should away with Black Hat SEO. If you still have any query or feedback about this article then, please reply us…