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5 Ways To Survive Remote Employment


Remote workers are growing in number around the country, but there are unique challenges to working from home. It can be hard to juggle priorities when working from your living room or dining room, but there are also many benefits. You may find yourself working home and struggling to adjust to the transition. Though your employer didn’t offer you a class on how to be a successful remote employee, these tips can make it a lot easier for you to stay engage and productive while working at working.

1. Recognize the Emotional Roller Coaster

Some days you will be more motivated than others to jump out of bed and head to your table to clock in. On rainy mornings, you may find it harder to get going. You may also notice that feelings of isolation interrupt your workday. There are a lot of emotions that flood your workdays when working from home. Allow yourself the freedom to recognize these emotions. It is normal to be confused, frustrated, or lonely. Reach out to friends, family, or coworkers when you need to talk or de-stress.

2. Learn How To Proactively Communicate

Your teammates and boss won’t be just down the hall to talk about the new project. Working remotely, you will need to be more proactive in communicating your questions, ideas, or needs to others. A virtual phone system makes it easier to connect straight from your desk, but you need to learn how to use online chat software, emails, and video calls to discuss things with clients, vendors, or your coworkers. Make sure you are reaching out to people in ways they are most comfortable with in order to avoid miscommunication or frustration. You may have to overcommunicate in order to make sure there is no confusion and everyone is on the same page.

3. Give Yourself a Schedule

When you don’t have to get up so early to avoid morning traffic, it can be tempting to just slide into work at the last minute. To keep yourself focused for the day ahead, follow the same schedule you would have if you were headed into the office. Take time to fix your coffee and breakfast, and spend some time exercising or getting prepared for your daily duties. Mentally getting into the spirit can help fight off feelings of disengagement or frustration. Take the time to get dressed, even if you aren’t having a Zoom meeting. You want to replicate a normal work environment.

4. Use Equipment and Tools To Increase Productivity

If you are used to having two monitors at the office, you may find yourself struggling to work on just a laptop. If your boss has given you access to your office equipment, consider bringing home your other monitor. If you don’t have this option, you can always use an HDMI cord or other cable to connect your laptop to an extra television at the house and create a dual monitor situation. You should also invest in a quality headset where you can join your video or audio calls without distraction or noise interference. You should also consider getting a printer/scanner combination if you have to sign and mail documents. Time-management apps can help you stay on target with things you need to get done, and some can be shared between you and your team members.

5. Avoid Personal Activities During Work Hours

It might be tempting to stop and wash the dishes in the sink or vacuum the living room, but remember to separate your work tasks from your personal responsibilities. If you want to take your lunch break to walk the dog or straighten up the house, then feel free. It becomes difficult to pull yourself back to work tasks when you get on a roll accomplishing your other responsibilities. Keep your work schedule the same way you would at the office, saving your personal activities for after work hours or during your breaks. When you do need to take a quick time out, set a timer to help bring yourself back to work

Remote employment can be a place for you to thrive and prove your worth to the company. These tips can help you avoid bad habits that slow down your productivity while avoiding the emotions that make remote employment seem more difficult.

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