Is Earn Through Affiliate Marketing Easy?

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Earning through affiliate marketing is a hard subject while once you reached to your goal then, it would be very easy. Bit confused? Let’s take a point in little depth to understand better. Before to start affiliate marketing, we need to understand what resources are useful to grab up ourselves in this type of business. In starting step, we need to have a active blog which contains unique interesting contents and daily visiting of visitors should be at-least 10000. You can drive traffic to your site through SEO, SMO, SMM (Search Engine Optmization, Search Media Optimization, Search Media Marketing). After having good visiting, you can put affiliate banner or text ad on your website (blog). Putting affiliate video will more impressive to attract customers and there will be good chance of great earning by increasing sales. While banner ad or text ad are also good chance of great earnings as all you need is to represent it on your website carefully.
Now, let us take a look at lifecycle of Affiliate Marketing. There are several steps to accomplish for perfect Affiliate Marketing. Let’s take a look –
1. The Affiliate shows an ad for the Merchant on their website. It is the starting step.
2. Now, it’s time for the customer to checkout Affiliate ad and keep in mind that they will click only those products they need. So, placing daily life usable products or something unique products will have more chance to be sold out asap.
3. With the help of tracking link, customer will be sent to merchant site. That tracking link will track the activity of the user.
4. Through tracking link, we will able to check that She/he makes purchase on merchant site.
5. And finally, Affiliate network records through tracking link the details of the transaction and purchase made by him/her.
6. Now it’s time to review the order by merchant as he will confirm that the order is authentic made by customer or whether it’s fake (error of the system).
7. Referring affiliate will get the transaction percentage in its affiliate a/c. whatever decided at the time of SignUp.
8. And affiliate withdraw the money.
I attached info-graphic image of Affiliate marketing cycle so that you can review it and understand better.
Is affiliate marketing is a time wasting process? Maximum peoples don’t like it and escape through it. They normally thinks it is a time wasting process. In that case, my answer is yes. Affiliate Marketing is really a time wasting process but, only if your website don’t have good traffic or you didn’t add attractive good products to your site. Trust me, something attractive is very important to sale it quickly and you should remember that they are also selling everything so that you need to choose something best unique item for rapid sell. And Traffic really matters, as much as you have traffic, as much time it will be visited by customers and as much times it will be sold out. So, if you are really serious to do business under this field then, be serious and start it today. With this, you will be able to earn through your website too by selling you own products, placing ads of other third party companies like Google Adsense etc and through sponsored guest postings.
You can start today by placing our website banner on your website. We will also pay commission on it. Please contact us to step ahead if you are really interested…

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