How to Create a Marketing Strategy for A New eCommerce Website?

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Creating a marketing strategy for a new e-commerce website, there is one thing you should keep in mind: what is best for one person, can be disastrous for another. Whether an approach works for you depends on your industry, your context; what are you selling? What are your potential clients used to?

Here are a few pointers that can help you with creating a successful strategy for a new e-commerce website.

Establish your goal

It may be redundant to point out, but the first step here is to know what your goal is. Doing so will help you sort out the things you want to do and what to avoid. For example, if your goal is to reach a certain number of visitors within a month, you should focus on creating and promoting at least one engaging article per week.

Know your clients

This step is very important when you are selling a product or a service. Clients are the ones who can tell you first-hand what their needs and likes are. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Include a comment section on your website and respond frequently, and accordingly, this way you will be able to familiarize yourself with the ‘’dos and don’ts’’ for your targeted audience.

Other people’s weakness can be your strength

Researching your competition can be very beneficial. Not because you ought to copy what they are doing, but because you can learn a lot from the mistakes they might have made. Find them on any review site, read the negative reviews that people left of their website, and avoid going down the same road.

Find keyword phrases to rank on SERPs

Proper keywords are extremely important here, and if you are planning to update your website with fresh content on a weekly base, you need more than just a few. Different tools that can help you with hunting down the most searched phrases or words that your customers use, and these tools can help you to quickly start getting traffic from the search engine.

Create and promote content

When creating fresh content, never steal ideas from other sites; make it your own. Provide useful articles for your customers, and do not forget to listen to them, as they are the ones who will tell you whether or not your content has been satisfactory or maybe you should change some things. After creating engaging content, you need to promote it. Now, if you did a good job with the content and keywords, the search engine does the promotion for you, which is the dream. But you can help yourself with sharing your work on social media, sending it out via e-mail, and with some guest posting on relevant webpages.

Ecommerce platform

There are plenty e-commerce platforms out there that you can choose from like ebay, Amazon, Alibaba, Etsy and etcetera. Doing research will help you determine which work best for you and your previously established goals.


Creating a successful marketing plan takes some time but if done right, you will not have to revisit it too often.  Take the time, plan one step ahead, listen to your clientele, and stay focused on your goal.

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