7 MVP App Success Stories

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As an entrepreneur, you may conjure a great app idea about which you are confident that it would become the next big thing online.

One of the key factors that you have to keep in mind before you embark on the journey to create a mobile app is to find out whether there is a market for such an app.

You do not want to spend a huge amount of money and your time to build an app that may end up being futile.

To help you in this regard, we need you to consider MVP 应用程序开发. By considering MVP App Development, you can discover all the pitfalls in your idea and then develop a desired mobile app. To know more, you can refer to this detailed guide on MVP App Development.

Moreover, some of the leading tech giants across the world have chosen the path of MVP App Development. Here, in this post, we will walk you through some successful MVP App Examples.

So, here we go:

Great examples of successful mobile apps that used MVP route

In this article, we have given you an example of seven great mobile app ideas in which the businesses first used the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) strategy to validate their ideas and then build a successful full-fledged mobile app.


One of the best examples of MVP is the way an amazing idea envisioned by Mark Zuckerberg and his friends led to the revolution in social media through Facebook.

Facebook that is now a multibillion-dollar industry had a humble origin, wherein it only had the college directory as its database and it was specially targeted towards the students of Harvard.

Slowly, it gained traction and is now a global social media behemoth that has transformed the way people interact socially on the online platform.

This example shows how the initial MVP of Facebook has led to its current Avatar that is dominating the social media platform.


Another social media app that rivals Facebook in its popularity is Instagram.

This picture-sharing app started its journey as an app MVP with multiple features, one of which was about sharing pictures.

This feature of the app became a great success amongst the users.

Based on the feedback, Instagram focused its attention on providing an app that had multiple photo editing options and allows the pictures to be shared with other users.

This example shows how an app found its niche market by working on the feedback it was receiving from its users.


Dropbox is another great example of MVP, wherein a great idea was validated by offering an MVP to the target audience.

At the time the MVP of Dropbox was offered to the customers, there was fierce competition in the market offering Cloud storage options.

The developer of this app made a three-minute video that showed the features of Dropbox to find out the market demand for such an app.

The large number of signups their MVP received gave them the confidence to go ahead with their plan of creating cloud-based storage, and as they say, the rest is history.

AdWords Express

AdWords express creates a relevant ad copy for the customers.

This app is a simplified version of AdWords and when it started, the backend team (consisted of a group of students) was typing ad copy quickly for their users.

When the developers found that this app has a huge market, they decided to scale up their operations and fully automated the backend to ensure a faster and more efficient service.


If you have not heard about the Amazon, then you must be living under a rock.

This pioneering company started its operation in the 1990s.

The owner of this company envisioned that the future of the retail business was going to be online and he started his website selling compact discs, computer hardware, videos, and books.

As its reach and scale of operation increased dramatically over the years, it slowly branched out to sell a huge catalog of items globally.

This example shows how MVP helped to figure out the market demand for the app and based on the feedback, new features were added.


Two friends who were finding it hard to pay the rent for their loft apartment started Airbnb.

They decided to put an air mattress in the living room and offer it for rent to other students to earn some profit.

Once they found out how popular this idea was for people who were looking for a good accommodation at a cheaper price, they built their website and started offering rent a place service to potential customers.

This idea caught the fancy of students, travelers, and others who are looking for accommodation in a particular place and their business grew exponentially within a very short period.


This app was initially called Ubercabs and it was created to find cabs quickly.

When the app was launched, it only allowed people to find a cab in their vicinity and make the payment through a credit card.

However, once this app became popular, it was upgraded and more features were added to it like location tracking of drivers, cost estimation, fare splitting, and others to offer a greater value to the users of the app.


The above example shows the importance of MVP as it allows you to test the waters first before you invest your time and money to build a mobile app.

移动应用 you are launching does not need to be fully operationalized before you test it with actual customers.

It should have some basic features that are of core importance to your mobile app and a great UI.

You can fine-tune the mobile app further and add more features to it after you get feedback from your target audience who use the MVP to give their valued opinion about how to make it even better.

