7 SEO Best Practices To Drive More Traffic To Your Website

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Isn’t it overwhelming that the rate at which SEO strategies and their effectiveness are constantly increasing? If that’s the case, you’re not alone. Google continuously improves and updates its algorithms to provide searchers on the internet with better results for their queries. Why? The more money Google generates, the better it is at answering questions on the SERPs or diverting people to websites via advertising rather than organic rankings. Unfortunately, for those of us who utterly rely on Google’s organic search traffic to achieve business and marketing objectives, this makes things much more difficult.


How to make the website appear on the first SERP of Google:

The inescapable fact is that your website is invisible if it does not appear in Google’s top 10 results for your chosen keywords. This is because it takes so much time to research, identify errors, and optimize to stay relevant. In addition, because Google’s algorithms change regularly, it’s critical to keep up with the latest developments. However, anyone can become an SEO expert with a bit of practice. With that said, listed below are some SEO tactics that you can use to boost traffic to your website right away.

Build quality backlinks

It is 2021- are backlinks still a significant component in Google’s ranking algorithm? Yup! Despite multiple modifications to Google’s search algorithm and ranking system, backlinks remain an essential ranking factor. Google regards backlinks as votes of confidence, and you need these to build your website’s and brand’s digital authority.

Therefore, it is best to concentrate your efforts on obtaining high-quality backlinks that will help you rank higher for your chosen keywords. However, generating backlinks is a laborious process. Outreaching potential sites and creating content can be tiresome and drain your precious business resources. The good news is that you can outsource the grunt work for better ROI. Consider investing in white label blogger outreach services to earn backlinks that drive good traffic to your website. You might want to steer clear of link farms and other black hat practices to avoid being slapped with a penalty by the big G.

Optimize landing pages

A very well-designed landing page helps you increase traffic, lead generation, and product sales. You can open up more search traffic gateways by creating more landing pages. Long-tail keywords, innovative and exciting content, excellent design, and link-building contribute to ideal landing page optimization for SEO.


Create a mobile-friendly website

With more than 3.5 billion people using smartphones, this is a no-brainer! It’s more important than ever to ensure your website looks good and operates well on mobile devices. A responsive design enhances the experience for the visitor. And considering that most internet users now use their smartphones to conduct searches and shop, you’ll be missing out on a considerable chunk of sales if your website is outdated.

And if this isn’t enough reason, here’s one more. Google’s algorithm gives responsive websites a significant boost in organic search rankings. In addition, more than 60% of daily searches are now conducted on mobile devices. So, ensure your website is always mobile-friendly to rank higher on the SERPs.

Align your content with search intent

Every search query has a goal, which is known as search intent or user intent. Google’s priority is to understand and satisfy search intent by providing searchers with relevant information. Pages that appear on Google’s first page have all passed Google’s search intent litmus test.

It would help if you concentrated on what your target audience desires.  Conduct thorough research to identify your target audience’s needs, pain points, and relevant keywords. Then, when you know what your potential customers want, you can create content that appeals to them and publish that on your website or on other websites to divert traffic. If your content is not aligned with what your target audience is looking for, consider yourself invisible to them. And you wouldn’t want that, would you?

Optimize meta descriptions and title tags

The three main parts of an optimized web page or blog post are its meta title, URL, and description. In reality, while all on-page SEO elements are critical, meta descriptions allow you to tell Google exactly what you’re talking about. Therefore, always ensure that your meta descriptions contain relevant keywords and a precise summary of the web page’s information. That way, visitors can be sure of what they’re clicking on.

Similarly, the title tag of your website/blog is a crucial on-page SEO tactic. It is wise to front-load the title tag with your niche’s primary keyword. Why? Search engines pay particular attention to the terms you employ in your title tag, and well-optimized title tags rank higher on the SERPs.

Optimize loading speed

Ensure your landing pages load quickly. Website visitors despise a web page that takes an eternity to upload. Moreover, slow loading times increase your website’s bounce rate significantly, and potential customers eventually end up on other competitor websites. So stop slacking!

The first step is to determine the current loading speed of your site. That way, you’ll know where you stand before making any modifications. You can use online tools to help you out with this. According to Neil Patel, the ideal load time is 0 – 2 seconds. So getting your speed down to under two seconds will help you gain more customers and more income.

What causes a page to take a long time to load?Bulky pictures and poorly designed coding are the biggest culprits of sluggish pages. Fix these issues ASAP.

Image optimization

If you still think that content for SEO is text-based, you’re dead wrong! You can even optimize your website’s images to get more traffic. Search engines have a separate tab for image search, so why not leverage it? Use the correct sizes, formats, and alt tags for images to make them crawlable and search engine-friendly.



If you want to get more traffic to your website and increase its visibility on the SERPs, consider adhering to the tips we’ve mentioned above. Hire an expert agency to help you build quality backlinks. Optimize your website’s design loading speed to ensure that visitors linger on for longer. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly. Research your customers, identify the search intent and relevant keywords, and incorporate them into your content. Last but not least, optimize title tags, meta descriptions, and images. By following these tips, you’ll be able to drive quality traffic and generate more profits for your business in no time.

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